

2016年11月15日 星期二

Print My Fonts v15.11.2016 – 免費的字型列印工具

Print My Fonts 是一款免費的字型列印工具,免安裝,支援 Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10。它可讓您列印系統所安裝的所有字型以及資料夾或磁碟中的任意字型,且可將字型清單匯出為 BMP、JPG 或 PNG 圖檔、RTF 文件檔或 HTML 網頁檔。
這款軟體簡單易用,程式視窗分為左右兩個窗格,左窗格預設會顯示系統所安裝的所有字型。若要顯示或列印資料夾或磁碟中的字型,則要勾選右窗格上方的 Fonts from Fonts Files,再點擊「Manage Font Files」來選取字型檔或字型存放的資料夾。
由於系統所安裝的字型,數量都有好幾百個之多,如果要全部列印,不僅不符經濟效益,實際上也沒有這樣的必要。因此您可先選取想要列印的字型,並在左窗格任意位置按右鍵,然後根據實際狀況點擊右鍵選單中的「Remove Selected」(刪除選取的項目) 或「Remove not-selected」(刪除未選取的項目),這樣左窗格就會只保留要列印的字型,最後再按下視窗右下角的「Export」按鈕即可開始列印字型。

若對首次列印結果不滿意,那麼可點擊功能選單的 Settings,叫出設定視窗來進行各種設定,包括字型大小、紙張邊界等等。由於這款軟體亦提供簡體中文介面,若要使用簡體中文,可從 Settings → Language Settings 點選「簡化中國」,然後按下「Save Language」按鈕,即變成簡體中文介面。
Print My Fonts can list all of your installed fonts as well as arbitrary fonts from your hard drive or disk.
With time, unbelievably numbers of fonts are collected on your computer and you are just looking for exactly the right one for your next invitation card in the gigantic assortment! To get an overview over all of these fonts, you can try Print My Fonts. With this tool, it is possible to list all of your installed fonts as well as arbitrary fonts from your hard drive or disk.
Of course it is completely in your hand what fonts are printed and which sentences or letters are used. For example you can print all your fonts or only a few for your next document chosen with the preview. Then you have possibilities for direct comparison without noticeable additional expenses. You are also able to print an example and the name of all your fonts from your computer to have a font survey for your next document on the paper.

