

2016年11月8日 星期二

DLL Analyzer v1.480 – DLL 分析工具

DLL Analyzer 是一款免費的 DLL 分析工具,可檢視 DLL 檔的函數名稱 (function names) 並可將它們儲存為文字檔, 支援 Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10。
這款免費軟體分析 DLL 檔的介面簡單易用,只要選取您想分析的 DLL 檔,程式就會快速地列出函數名稱。您也可以選擇匯出 (Export)、匯入 (Import)、例外 (Exception)、安全 (Security) 和除錯 (Debug) 等類型 (Type)。
此外,它亦支援命令列且可儲存 DLL 函數清單。

DLL Analyzer is a free tool to view the function names of DLL files and allows you to store them as text files.
It features a simple to use interface to analyze a DLL file. Simply select the DLL file you want to analyze, and the program will quickly list the function names. You can also choose type which includes: Export, Import, Exception, Security, and Debug.
Additionally, the software offers command-line support, and the ability to save the list of DLL functions.

