

2017年10月17日 星期二

Memory Optimizer Pro v1.4.7 – 免費的記憶體最佳化軟體

Memory Optimizer Pro 是一款免費的記憶體最佳化軟體,支援 Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10。這款軟體簡單易用,一鍵即可釋放電腦可用的記憶體。程式啟動後視窗中間會顯示目前電腦的記憶體狀態以及使用情況,包括 Used Memory (已經使用的記憶體)、Cached Memory (被快取的記憶體) 和 Free Memory (可用的記憶體)。只要在「Recover Free Memory」(取回可用的記憶體) 按鈕上按一下,程式就會進行記憶體優化,快速取回可用的記憶體。

注意:程式在安裝過程中會順便安裝一款叫做 WALTR (可將音樂、影片和鈴聲從電腦傳輸到 iPhone 或 iPad) 的軟體,預設為勾選。若不想安裝該軟體,可取消「Include our new product WALTR in the installer」的勾選。
Lacking memory? Optimize with the program. You’d be surprised how much you can recover! The program is a simple, one-click solution to free memory on your computer.
During installation, you are offered to install their YouTube converter, and it is checked by default so watch for that.
You’re presented with the current memory status including Used Memory, Cached Memory, and Free Memory. Clicking on Recover Free Memory will do just that and show you the updated memory status.
The utility gets just a couple of sentences for this review because it’s that simple to use. It’s small, free, and gets the job done.

