

2016年6月6日 星期一

InViewer v1.3 – 輕巧、快速、功能完整的多媒體播放軟體

InViewer 是一款輕巧、快速、功能完整的多媒體播放軟體,支援 Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10。它不僅支援大多數常見的圖檔格式,而且也可播放大多數影片和聲音格式。它亦可建立縮圖和幻燈片以及進行圖片的旋轉、垂直翻轉和格式轉換。此外,它支援萬國碼且提供拖放功能。
這款免費軟體是少數檔案這麼小卻可播放這麼多媒體格式及提供這麼多功能的軟體之一。它不僅輕巧 (檔案大小遠低於 1MB)、啟動速度快,介面更是簡潔到不行,而且支援大多數圖片、影片和音訊格式,並可讓您將圖片上傳網路與朋友分享。

InViewer is a lightweight and fast media viewer that not only supports most common image formats, it also plays most video and audio formats as well.
At well under 1 MB, this program is as small, fast and fully featured as promised. It can also create thumbnails, flip vertically, convert images, upload to share, create slideshows and more.
Extremely lightweight (less than a megabyte)
Quick start (about 100ms on a mid-class PC)
Smart and minimalistic user interface
Support for most common media formats (for video, audio and images) in one app Navigate through your folders just by your keyboard
Create thumbnails nearly without any quality loss

